Books I've read. February '25
A new batch of short book reviews I’ve recently read.
A Mastodon Bot for Wikipedia’s Picture of the Day
Books I've read. July '24
Brief thoughts on the books I read in the spring and first half of summer 2024.
Books I've read. March '24
This winter was quite full of different new things in my life. I moved (again) to a new city, finally began systematically learning the Finnish language, and also spent some time getting acquainted with TypeScript, AWS CDK, and Powertools for AWS Lambda. Due to all this, there wasn’t much time for books. But still, a certain number of new books were on my reading list, so here is another post about the books I’ve read.
Blog migration
Books I've read / 4
Some thoughts on books I’ve read in previous months.
Closing the cycling season
🚴 🚴 🚴 My bicycle rides results 2023 🚴 🚴 🚴
Books I've read / 3
My new short review of books I’ve recently read.
A new pet
A short review of my new ergonomic vertical “gaming” computer mouse.
My most used (nearly) Android app
My experience with NewPipe - an alternative YouTube client for Android devices.