One step further from Telegram

My another attempt to be freer from closed platforms.

Books I've recently read / 2

My new review of books I’ve recently read.

Published Belarusian Go Dictionary

I have compiled and published a Belarusian dictionary of terms and concepts for the cool board strategy game - Go!

Belarusian language was added to OGS

Now one of the most popular Go game server (OGS) supports Belarusian language!

Blog theme update

Books I've read in the last couple of months

Zathura - cool PDF viewer with Vim bindings

A pleasant find of recent days for me is Zathura - open source, lightweight, minimalistic, highly customizable PDF viewer with Vim hotkeys support. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Few issues with Wireguard client on Debian

Today I tried to configure Wireguard client on one my Debian machine and I faced with few issues.

Словарь терминов го

Словарь основных терминов настольной игры го

Факты пра ерба матэ

Невялікі спіс фактаў пра ерба матэ - класным, але малавядомым у нашых краях напоі паўднёваамерыканскіх індзейцаў.